UGC Media | About
UGC Media has been helping clients communicate their message since 1997, and we’re ready to help you. Don’t risk your project on a company with less experience and commitment to detail and customer satisfaction. We handle everything from app development, web design, graphics design, email marketing campaigns to brand development. Let us help you shape your image and put your products and services in the very best light.
UI/UX, app development, web design, graphics design, email marketing, brand development, logo design, print media, video production
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Creative Developer


Hello there, I’m Stephan Azevedo

I’ve worked in the web and digital media design industry for 16 years.

I currently live in beautiful downtown Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

I love solving problems with design, and making great ideas happen.

When I’m not coding or playing with pixels, you’ll find me in the gym or on the court shooting hoops.

I have a passion for simple interfaces. I also love coding. I’ve always loved solving problems. Being good at aesthetic pleasing clean minimalistic design has always been my passion before teaching myself coding. Sometimes I like to work on video and photography projects. Being an avid photographer, I take snapshots with my iPhone or my DSLR Nikon D70.

I am currently working at Tricon System in Plantation, Florida as a Front-end Systems Architect, a fancy title for a Front End Developer. If you want, you can view my LinkedIn profile. I also connect with my family & friends on Facebook.

One of the greatest strengths about being a designer/developer is that not only I can handle the graphical aspects of a project, but I can also fully understand, participate and even lead the technical aspects of those same projects.

If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to say hello, you can contact me at



The creative in me is always experimenting with new ideas no matter the risk. “An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.” ― Oscar Wilde



The science of light, space and proportion. Design is not a philosophy, it’s my life. 'Dreams Made Visual' is our slogan. I believe that a great design is timeless. ― Stephan Azevedo



I create flexible, not fixed layouts for multiple devices that look great and are super interactive. My top priority is to always create a great UI optimized for a great UX.



Staying ahead of the curve is the only way to survive the ever-changing nature of technology. I am always prepared for growth and expansion because I make it part of every project's plan.