UGC Media | Sozo 4 All Logo
UGC Media has been helping clients communicate their message since 1997, and we’re ready to help you. Don’t risk your project on a company with less experience and commitment to detail and customer satisfaction. We handle everything from app development, web design, graphics design, email marketing campaigns to brand development. Let us help you shape your image and put your products and services in the very best light.
UI/UX, app development, web design, graphics design, email marketing, brand development, logo design, print media, video production
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About This Project

Sozo 4 All commissioned UGC Media to design their company. They needed a logo that invoked the idea of “Everything” or “All”.  When the design process started the clear approach was to design a logo that resembled a common universal shape. The formula for The Golden Ratio came to mind since it is shared by many aspects of life. From the spiral of galaxies to a snail’s shell, the Golden Ration is found everywhere. It is commonly used in art, architecture and even in mathematics.

Logo Design

Sozo 4 All

Brand, Logo
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